Pecons Realtors Website Design and Paid Advertising

The successful implementation of this project not only met the client's objectives but also showcased my ability to deliver comprehensive digital solutions in the real estate industry

Date: November, 2023

Client: Pecons Realtors

Services: Website Design and Social Media Marketing


Project Overview

I had the opportunity to design and develop the website for Pecons Realtors, a premier real estate firm, as well as manage their social media marketing efforts. This project demonstrates my proficiency in web design using Elementor on WordPress and executing effective social media advertising campaigns.

Project Details

  • Client: Pecons Realtors
  • Industry: Real Estate
  • Date: November, 2023
  • Tools Used: WordPress, Elementor, Houzez Theme, Adobe Photoshop, Meta Ads (Facebook and Instagram), Google Analytics

Strategy and Development Process

1. Website Design and Development

1.1 Initial Consultation and Requirements Gathering Understanding Pecons Realtors’ needs was the first step. The goal was to create a modern, user-friendly website that showcases their property listings and services. We discussed the desired features, design preferences, and the importance of mobile responsiveness.

1.2 Design and Wireframing Using Adobe Photoshop, I designed wireframes to outline the website structure, ensuring an intuitive layout and seamless navigation. The Houzez theme on WordPress was chosen for its suitability for real estate websites.

1.3 Development with Elementor Elementor was used to build and customise the website, taking advantage of its drag-and-drop functionality for precise design control. Key features included:

  • Property Listings: Detailed pages for each property with high-quality images, virtual tours, and contact forms.
  • Advanced Search Filters: Allowing users to find properties based on various criteria such as location, price, and type.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensuring the website is fully functional and visually appealing on all devices.
  • SEO Optimisation: Implementing on-page SEO techniques to improve search engine visibility.

1.4 Testing and Launch The website underwent thorough testing to ensure functionality, responsiveness, and compatibility across different browsers. After incorporating client feedback, the site was launched successfully.

2. Social Media Marketing

2.1 Strategy Development A comprehensive social media marketing strategy was devised to increase brand awareness and generate leads. The focus was on Facebook and Instagram, leveraging Meta Ads to reach a broader audience.

2.2 Content Creation High-quality, engaging content was created, including property showcases, client testimonials, market insights, and promotional offers. Consistent branding was maintained across all posts to reinforce Pecons Realtors’ professional image.

2.3 Meta-Ads Campaigns Targeted ads were created on Facebook and Instagram to drive traffic to the website and generate leads. This included:

  • Property Promotions: Highlighting featured properties to attract potential buyers.
  • Lead Generation Ads: Using forms to capture contact information from interested prospects.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: Re-engaging visitors who previously interacted with the website or social media pages.

2.4 Analytics and Optimisation Google Analytics and Meta Ads insights were used to monitor campaign performance. Regular analysis helped in refining strategies, optimising ad spend, and maximising ROI.

Key Results and Achievements

  • Enhanced Online Presence: The new website significantly improved Pecons Realtors’ online presence, making it easier for potential clients to explore properties and services.
  • Increased Traffic and Engagement: Social media marketing efforts resulted in increased website traffic and higher engagement rates on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Lead Generation: Effective ad campaigns generated a substantial number of leads, contributing to the firm’s sales pipeline.
  • SEO Performance: On-page SEO strategies led to improved search engine rankings, driving organic traffic to the website.

Keywords and SEO Strategy

To ensure the website and social media efforts were discoverable by search engines and reached the intended audience, the following keywords were incorporated:

  • Real Estate Website Design
  • Responsive Real Estate Websites
  • Property Listings Website
  • Real Estate Social Media Marketing
  • Meta-Ads for Real Estate
  • Real Estate SEO
  • Houzez Theme Customisation


Working on the website design and social media marketing for Pecons Realtors was a rewarding experience, allowing me to blend technical skills with creative strategies. The successful implementation of this project not only met the client’s objectives but also showcased my ability to deliver comprehensive digital solutions in the real estate industry. This project is a valuable addition to my portfolio, highlighting my expertise in website development and social media marketing.